
Huskerland Duals / AAU State

from Sat, 11 Mar 2023 to Sun, 12 Mar 2023
All Day

by Patrick J Neilly
Posted: over 1 year ago
Updated: over 1 year ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/Chicago
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:59pm Sunday 12 March 2023 (duration is 2 days)

Wrestlers competing on the Star City Slammers Team will compete March 11th at the Huskerland AAU State Duals

Athletes do need an AAU card for this event, your USA card isn’t accepted.
Cards are $15


All RWC wrestlers who qualify for a dual team RWC will cover your AAU card and entry fee for competing.

Visit their website for a schedule of when your wrestler will compete.
*There is no qualifier for AAU State on the individual side. Anyone can go wrestle.
Both events are in Kearney at the Buffalo County Fair Grounds


Buffalo County Fairgrounds

  • [2023-Jan-30 04:20 PM] Patrick Neilly: Updated
  • [2023-Jan-30 04:20 PM] Patrick Neilly: Updated

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